Sunday, June 24, 2012

Welcome to Economics is Common Sense. This blog is designed to explain why economics isn't some complicated science. You do not have study economics for many years. I am here to show how many of these excepted facts of economics are flawed, and most people are being scammed.

Economics has become considered a "science". Even Merriam Webster excepts this as definition 1a:

                     " a social science concerned chiefly with description and analysis of the production,                                   
                 distribution, and consumption of goods and services"

I except definition 1b:

                     "economic theory, principles, or practices"

Economics is simply the term that defines the exchange of capitol. For some reason most people have come to except that fact that they don't understand economics and that they have to except the insights of some so-called expert. The problem has become that these experts either don't have a clue themselves or they have a hidden agenda. I will give specific examples in future posts.

Think of economics simply as the practice of trading goods or services. It's nothing more than that.

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